Sunday Services

ECF is currently holding meetings both in the hall and remotely.

If you are interested in joining us please message us via the contact page or email


The main meeting (or service) is at 10:30 am on a Sunday morning and there is a Sunday School and crèche during part of the meeting.

There are also meetings on Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm (during the winter months) and at 7:00 pm (during the summer months – after the clocks change) and on Tuesday evenings (for prayer) at 7:30 pm. Every other week there is a youth meeting in the evening for secondary school age young people.

Please note that there is a T-Loop system installed in the church hall which is in use for Sunday meetings.


Sunday School is on a Sunday morning during part of the morning meeting and runs during school term time. The Sunday School has classes for all ages from reception year to year 6. Bible class runs for children from school years 7-10.

ECF takes the welfare of children and youth under our care seriously.  The church operates a Child Protection Policy in relation to all its activities and all people working with young people are DBS checked.  If you would like further information about the policy please click the link below.  All children attending clubs, trips camps or holidays will have to have a consent form completed by parent or guardian.