For those who don’t want to be stuck in a student bubble and want to become part of the wider Reading Christian community ECF is ideal. We are a loving family made up of all ages, all backgrounds, and all nations. Outside our meeting hall is written “A house of prayer for all nations” and that is a pretty good description of our church. The core of ECF is Jesus and the church is directed by what Jesus has put on the hearts of all members.
As a student coming for the first time to visit, it’s best to come to the Sunday morning service at 10.30 as this is the time the whole church community gather and you’ll be able to get a real taste of what we are all about. A good metaphor is: I can tell you how great a restaurant is, how the food tastes and how fast the service is but until you actually go there, you won’t fully know for yourself. So come along and see!
No matter where you are at on your journey with Jesus (good, bad, non-existent) we’d love to see you grow and flourish in your faith or discover something really precious. The church has many men and women, older and younger, who are ready to come alongside you to help you along the way or just to be in fellowship with. If you feel Called to step out in outreach or worship or whatever, we want to support you as best we can.
We are linked in with the Reading University Christian Union and often lend out the hall for events, and we love seeing it full of people!
Although we don’t have student specific activities organized by the church, we hope to be able to change this in the future and do more things focused on students. For now students mix in with the rest of the large family.
For more information or if you just want someone to help you find the church and walk in with you (don’t lie, it’s scary going in for the first time) please do not hesitate to complete our contact form.