We believe:
- There is one true God, Creator and Ruler of all things, who exists eternally and coequally in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God, authoritative for all faith and practice.
- By the disobedience of the first man, Adam, sin and death entered the world. All men are sinners by their descent from Adam and their own free choice. They cannot save themselves.
- God showed His love for man in sending His Son to be the Saviour of the world.
- Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, both fully human and fully divine; He lived without sin; His sacrificial death on the cross satisfied a righteous God. He paid the price for our sin. He rose bodily from the dead; He ascended into heaven.
- Salvation from sin is of grace, through repentance, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and new birth by the Holy Spirit. Water baptism is a testimony to the grace received in salvation. Having received this new life in Jesus we are then called to maintain a day to day walk with Him which is pleasing to God and honours Him.
- The Holy Spirit brings men to salvation and enables them to grow in grace and the knowledge of God, and to be set apart for His purposes.
- The Lord Jesus is the head of His body, the Church in to which all believers are joined and empowered to operate in the gifts and ministry by the Holy Spirit.
- The Lord Jesus will return again visibly in power and glory at a time known only to the Father. He will be the Judge of all men.
- At the final judgement the righteous will be eternally saved and the unrighteous will be lost from God forever. There will be a new heaven and a new earth.